Have You Lost Your Mojo?

Written by: James White

As you know, we have the absolute pleasure of spending lots of time with small business owners and one conversation that has come about a lot recently is that feeling of losing your mojo and picking yourself up from it when you are a small business owner running everything by yourself. 

And so, we thought it would be useful to share with you a few ways you can get your mojo back!
Firstly, do not be too hard on yourself. It happens to all of us!


Losing your mojo can happen when you are tired and run down. James likes to use his Fitbit and a new device called a Whoop – it helps him to assess how much sleep he is getting and whether his body is recovering.  Your phone does not operate with an empty battery – it needs to be recharged, and so do you.


Write down the things that you enjoy doing, and the things you do not enjoy doing.  Writing things down helps us to give clarity to our thoughts.  When we lose our mojo, it might be because we are doing too much of the things we really do not enjoy doing.  We need to bring it back into balance by making time to do things which we do enjoy too.  


When feeling this way try and identify your vision and reasons for doing what you are. What matters to you in your life? What do you really want to achieve? What gets you excited and makes you want to get out of your bed in the morning? When you have lost your mojo it is important to look inside yourself to work out where you are and where you want to go from there.


Take some time away to think about what you want. A tip I have is that I used to outline how I was feeling at the time and what was happening at that present time. Give yourself some time away to gather your thoughts and work out what you want.


Ask yourself, what would be your biggest regret if you were told you only had 30 days left? What would you look back and say “I wish I had done that” – what makes that so key for you?

Look at the top 3 things on that list build a plan for how you can make them happen. Be honest with yourself, what stops you from making these things happen? If you are really honest with yourself, the answer will only ever be you…

As a team we love helping business owners get their mojo back and James has done this for a number of years. 

We would love to help you get your mojo back. So if you’re feeling low in energy and struggling to motivate yourself, remember we are here to help you put that spring back in your step.

Reach out to us on hello@thesbsa.com and we will happily help you!

Publish date: 14 August 2021

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