New blog post every week, sharing Sales Ideas for Sales Growth.

Invest in your people if you want to grow

Vistage, the leading network for CEOs, recently shared a report from a major survey they conducted with over 4000 CEO’s worldwide. Whilst CEO’s everywhere are

Being a Sales Leader isn’t easy

If you (as a CEO and/or sales leader) feel like you’re barely keeping your head above water and new challenges are testing your patience and

Selling on LinkedIn

Networking effectively online is just as important as offline and in my experience so many people get LinkedIn networking wrong. During November last year whilst

The Fundamental Rules of Networking

When we ask CEOs and Sales Directors whether their teams attend networking events, we often get a marmite response. Some companies love networking. They consistently

How to approach a referral correctly

Isn’t it thrilling when your client sends an email introducing you to someone else?  The excitement kicks into overdrive and our brain starts to think

How to recruit a salesperson

It’s 2022 and we’ve got one of the biggest recruitment shortages for salespeople that I’ve ever known in the UK. There are so many businesses

Grow your revenue, NOW

Are you fed up with the revenue that you’re earning? How can you turn what you’re earning now into a bigger number without having to